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We will create a nation full of warm care
and a society where people are happy with
stronger social services.
Jo Sang-mi Director of Public Agency for Social Service
Hello? I am Cho Sang-mi, the first director of Public Agency for Social Service.

Recently, Korean society is suffering from ‘inequality and disconnection’. It is a situation of our country that is the 4th largest economy in Asia and the 11th largest economy in the world, but it has the highest suicide rate and lowest birth rate among OECD countries for the 13th consecutive year. This “deepening inequality and disconnection” is currently the main cause of social distancing in Korea, and will become a barrier to sustainable growth and the stability of the economic and social structure in the future. Now is the time to look at the ‘content and direction’ rather than the ‘growth rate’ itself.

I believe that one of the biggest causes of this 'deepening inequality and disconnection' is the 'low quality of life' due to the lack of social service and care that the whole people experience. Therefore, now is the time where it is urgently needed to 'provide customized social services centered on users' in the direction of building a 'virtuous cycle structure of welfare and growth' and heading toward a welfare state.

The Public Agency for Social Service is an organization that oversees 'advancement, scale-up, and innovation of social service', a major axis in the direction of a welfare state. Public Agency for Social Service will move toward 'create an innovative ecosystem for social service', 'provide universal and integrated social service', and 'improve the quality of social service and improve the treatment of workers' based on its expertise and experience and public-private collaboration with various sectors.

In order to build a country overflowing with more warm care, and a care service system that the people can feel, we are going to take a step forward.

We ask for your continuous interest and encouragement.
Thank you